Nordica Photography

Catharina & Patrik // West Vancouver Engagement Photography

July 10, 2010

Catharina and Patrik are travelling around the world. In the past few months, they have been to New Zealand, Australia, Borneo, Tonga, Indonesia, Thailand and other spots that we’re probably forgetting. They visited Vancouver en route to their next destination, New York, before heading back to their home country of Finland. Nice eh?

On their trip, they got engaged, so the timing was great for us to do an engagement session with them in one of the most beautiful parks in Vancouver, Whytecliff Park.

On a side note, you’ll see in this set an example of it being beneficial to be two photographers. There are a few pictures where Catharina and Patrik are holding hands on a very large rock. Some of them are taken from a distance and some are taken from behind. How this worked was that one of us was on the beach in the distance and one of us was in a bush behind the couple. We were on the phone with one another making sure their positioning was perfect et voilá – very different pictures from the same moment.

By Cole & Jakob  

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  1. Tyler Ingram

    Love the lighting you guys had. Whytecliff is a nice place, as long as you don't get stuck when the tide rises.

  2. Catharina & Patrik

    Thank you so much! They are absolutely beatiful, love them!! Kick ass!! Nordica photography rules! Thank you once again!

  3. Tompski

    Fint par, fina bilder! :)

  4. Carol Kerfoot

    Gorgeous images! I particularily love the top one! Gorgeous!

  5. Tanja

    like like like!!

  6. Girish

    Brilliant. I think one of your best shoots. How did you even go there :D Look like a lone island, wonderful location. Portraits :) Very nice.

  7. Nordica

    Girish - It's an island by a park. Kind of a sketchy spot actually because if the tide goes out (and it does quite quickly) then you're stuck on the island. Unless you're a good swimmer! We forgot to tell the couple this and just went with the flow...

  8. Amish

    Congratulations Patrik + Catharina! It's too bad we were unable to meet up while you were in town. Thanks again for being my diving buddy in Thailand! Best wishes to the future!

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