Nordica Photography
Jamie Molz | Headshots | Vancouver Portrait Photographer
Jamie Molz is a looker eh! She’s actually a participant in the upcoming Miss Canada competition in Toronto, so she’s definitely more then just a stunningly good-looking lass.
Anyways, she needed a couple of pictures for the upcoming competition, so she contacted us and away we went. We went for a nice walk around the Seawall and came up with these pics.
A funny thing happened afterwards as well though. When we were finished the shoot with Jamie, local photographer Alex Firmani had recognized us (we’re not sure how but hey that’s cool!) and took this picture. So, thanks Alex for the pic and for knowing what our ugly mugs looked like eh!
Without further adieu, the results from our photo session with the lovely Jamie. Thanks Jamie and good luck in Toronto!

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Miss Canada Competitor Jamie Molz | Allan Cole Roberts
[...] I did a shoot with a really great girl named Jamie Molz. Have a gander at more of the pics on the Nordica site if you have a few minutes on this lazy Sunday! They’re purdy [...]
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[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Allan Cole Roberts, Allan Cole Roberts, Nordica Photography, Nordica Photography, Nordica Photography and others. Nordica Photography said: Results from a photo shoot with Miss Canada competitor Jamie Molz Ooolaaalaa! #vancouver #headshots #photography [...]
WOW guys these turned out great! Thank you so much for everything, it was a pleasure working with you :)
Jamie - Absolutely same here! You were wonderful! Just out of curiousity, was this the first time you've seen these :) ?
Yes this is the first time I saw these ones! I looked before but some home missed these ones. By the way you can vote now at :)
By Cole & Jakob