Nordica Photography
Therese & Cole

As you may have figured out (at least if you’ve met us), this is one half of the Nordica machine – Cole – and his gorgeous girlfriend Therese, photographed by the other half of Nordica.
Yeah, I know, right. How did he score her…
(Kidding, bud.)
I actually met Therese – who is now also our magnificent Nordica accountant – a few years before Cole did. We did the same business program at UmeÃ¥ University in Sweden, already back in 2003. Cole joined us a couple of years later and they pretty much hit it off right away.
This shoot was a long overdue couple session I promised to do already months ago. Wonder how long it’ll be until I’ll be taking pics of her in white and him in black…
(Kidding again, man. No pressure.)
Min älskade dotter.. ni är så himla fina på bilderna. Jag blir rörd ända in i hjärteroten när jag ser den ena bilden efter den andra. Vilket kanonjobb du gjort Jakob som lyckats med att få Cole på den här sidan lincen... Saknar er så men snart ses vi.. Kram till er alla ..
Barry Duncan
Nice work Jakob... great pictures of a great couple!
Amber Hughes
Aww... looking good guys! Love these! :)
Lara Eichhorn
Awesome work, Jakob. I love your use of shadow.
Francis Joseph
These are wonderfully beautiful!
Nessa K
Seriously, they're crazy good looking. =) It's nice to see the other half!
Beautiful. Therese is a babe!
Avelaine Scyrup
Hopefully you won't get any more questions about being "together" haha! She IS gorgeous!
goodness they're dashing! it's nice to see nordica shot nordica style :) a beautiful set as always, but particularly romantic. love it!
Lovely couple ! Great pictures !
Totally love them!!! great job!!!
Seriously amazing...#5 is insane!
Michael Wachniak
These are so great! Awesome session and to be honest, until now I didn't even realize there WAS a 5am! :) You guys look fantastic!
Joshua Gull
Killing it as per the usual Jakob, and nice job Cole. ;) #5 and #10 especially need to go on some canvas.
I love the set taken in the dark with the bits of warm light shining in on them. Gorgeous!
Love them.
Awweesssoommmeee images Jacob (who should change his name to Viking!). C & T = hawt!
todd hunter mcgaw
hahahahahahaha! i laughed out loud! excellent pics + words jakob..
These are awesome!! :) Gorgeous shots!
Chris Murray
Nice work Jakob! Beautiful photos, and a good lookin couple :)
Jessie Cadenas
Your use of shadow and light is amazing. Beautiful images.
Will Kim
just amazing.
Jakub Majewski
Beautiful pictures and amazing light. Therese & Cole looks beautiful. Great job!!!
Paul Nguyen
Great use of colours! Great couple! Great photos!
Tab McCausland
Really great use of light! Great job :)
Becca Dilley
These are totally hot, but also amazing and very thoughtful light. Great job.
I love everything you guys do!
Paul Von Rieter
Cole! you sly dog you! You guys look fantastic.
gabe aceves
unreal guys. these are beautiful. and cole models like a pro :)
Natalie Champa Jennings
Really love these! Lovely glad I found your blog! Inspiring :)
Leah Muse
luis godinez
cole is one lucky man. amazing photos.
Our future grandchildren will be as good looking as these two are. Nice work Jakob !
beautiful. nice work Jakob !
Love your use of negative space! Great work!
beautiful work, lovely.
Chema Naranjo
I love your work, the key light in which work and image processing especially at night. Chema
Ryan Brenizer
Fantastic photos and she is GORGEOUS. Good job, Cole! Photographers tend to marry up… trust me, I know.
Andy Moss
Lovely images. What a wonderful location. I like the shadow of the tree on the concrete in the first image.
Mark Kalkwarf
Most photographers only focus on the subject and neglect the surrounding elements. It is amazing to see work that uses every avaialble element (light, shadows, composition, etc) to make a photograph. Photographers take pictures and Artists make photographs - You my friend are an artist.
Oh vad fina ni är!!
Snyggt jobb Jakob!
Dani K.
Awww, you lucky guy, Cole!
Branden Harvey
Well done.
fer juaristi
dude, congrats on your engagement. the best for both.
By Cole & Jakob