Nordica Photography
Whistler Film Festival VIP Lounge
The wee baby that is Nordica is getting thrown into the proverbial pool this Friday as we’re embarking on our first event: The Whistler Film Festival VIP Lounge. Nikons in hand, Jakob and myself are going to clickety-click the celebs and hopefully get a couple skookum pictures.
So, what exactly is this VIP Lounge, why was Nordica – amongst the oodles of Lower Mainland photographers – invited, and what are we doing exactly?
Well, the VIP Lounge is hosted by one of the most lovely ladies around – Gabrielle Durning and her company, The Uptown Giftbox Company. In a nutshell, Uptown creates a lounge at special events (Junos, Canadian Country Music Awards, et cetera) where the who’s-who of everything who’s-who can peruse the room and collect fantastic products and gifts from various companies. The companies who are lucky (and smart) enough to attend the lounge have a common thread that binds them: They are all awesome, high-end companies; quite suitable for celebrities!
What the heck is Nordica doing there? Well, a few months back, I (as in Cole – I’m not going to try writing this in the third person 🙂 ) had been invited to the Canadian Country Music Awards by another lovely lady, Rebecca Bolwitt who runs the most visited blog in Vancouver, Rebecca and Gabrielle were looking for bloggers to attend the CCMA Vip Lounge and keep their blogs up-to-the-minute throughout the day, so to the CCMA’s I went. Apparently things went well at the CCMA’s!
So, what can you expect. Well, on the Nordica blog you will see live updates throughout the day. Jakob and I will be taking oodles of pictures and posting them here on the site. We’re not sure how many posts or how many pictures we’ll put up exactly, but there’ll be a lot. I guess our goal will be to take the kind of pictures that allows viewers of the blog to get an idea of what exactly the lounge feels like and get a look at the type of schwag that the celebs will be taking home.
The other blogger that is attending is Maryanne Lechleiter from Stimuli Magazine. She was also at the CCMA Gift Lounge and will post throughout the day as well.
Finally, there is a perk for Nordica participating (aside from – well – participating!) and that is we are able to donate an incredible gift basket to a charity. Our charity is the same that I used for the CCMA gift basket, and that’s the 100 Mile House Angels. The Angels raise money for breast cancer, and we’re sure that this basket will be very welcomed!
Voila! That’s that! So, stay tuned on Friday and if you’re a Twitter user, we’ll also be keeping our statuses updated throughout the day – @nordicaphoto @allan_cole @jakobg

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By Cole & Jakob