Nordica Photography

Port Moody Engagement Photography // Kim & Peter

February 22, 2011

We are fairly meticulous with our preparations for engagement sessions. The best sessions are the ones where we have a slick, efficient plan in place so that we make the best use of everyone’s time. Normally these sessions end up being about 45 minutes. But that’s 45 smooth, effective minutes.

Before the couples arrive, we normally pre-scout the locations we choose for the sessions which means meandering around looking for interesting spots to shoot at. In the end, we have a ‘route’ ready to go for when the couple show up.

Looking for light is what we primarily do when we prepare for the routes. Good light is the most important part of the photography we do, and something we try to incorporate as much as possible to our shoots.

This time a year, though, we just assume is going to be raining and miserable for every session. The reality of winters in Vancouver is they are dark and wet, so we may as well prepare for the worst.

But for this session at Buntzen Lake just outside of Vancouver, the sun decided to peak out for a few short moments. Hallelujah. A welcome change, to say the least.

Peter and Kim will be getting married in Victoria this summer. Hopefully they’re as lucky with the weather then.

By Cole & Jakob  

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  1. Jeremy

    Beautiful light! I love the way her red jacket pops against the green forest and how it pulls in the reddish hues of the twigs in the underbrush. Great job scouting.

  2. Brian Davis

    Beautiful shots and beautiful location guys!

  3. Nessa K

    I can't get over how miraculous your lighting always appears. And I want to live in that forest, please.

  4. David Robertson

    RAD black and white tones!

  5. Jaimzh

    fantastic work there! and what stunning light

  6. brooke

    I adore that last one! All beautiful, though :)

  7. Seth

    Beautiful lighting! Stunning black and whites too! Nice job.

  8. Girish

    Nice photographs. Love the b/w color tones.

  9. Kyle

    There is something about this couple that's so natural and real. You really did a great job capturing them.

  10. Leah Muse

    That first image made me catch my breath. I love your work.

  11. Mike Paulie

    Awesome location and your couple just compliment it so well.

  12. Ryan Brenizer

    Rocking as always. I love how much laughter their eyes contain.

  13. Ashley Gillett

    what a dreamy forest. Beautiful. Love the haze, the color, the love. :)

  14. Alicia Kennison

    That last shot is pure magic. Love it.

  15. Drew W

    super awesome work fellows. I love the location and your angles.

  16. Brian Kraft

    Excellent! Love the work you guys do so much!

  17. ed peers

    Seriously good work... your creativity is inspiring.

  18. Matthew Mead

    Killed it again!!!!!

  19. Matthew Evans

    Your style is unique, that's what I love about your work! Kinda eerie, some of the shots! love it.

  20. Linus Moran

    stunning work - just love the frame with the couple central & the deep green forest surrounding them. Great contrasts.

  21. Rafa

    Great images. I like very much your B&W's and the way you frame your subjects.

  22. Heather

    I adore the third and fourth ones!! Incredible work!

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