Nordica Photography
Stanley Park Wedding // Sabrina & James
A few frames from Sabrina and James’ Stanley Park wedding, on a sunny day outside of the Tea House restaurant in Vancouver.

Beautiful set guys! Simply loving the close up third from the bottom, you can feel their intensity.
fantastic work dudes
The shot of the bride crying = perfection! And I love the silhouette.
Every one of these is stunning. Awesome work!
Gorgeous work. Looking forward to the full post.
Patrice Blain
The "contre-jour" shot with the sundown between te couple is an awesome shot. Well done.
Michael Wachniak
wait....we had sunshine in Vancouver?!
Gorgeous. So much emotion.
You made magic.
Gavin Farrington
Great set, guys. LOVE the B&W in the ferns. Awesome shot!
Kellee Walsh
Beautiful emotion! Love the 2nd set too :)
Kim Selby
Absolutely beautiful. The one of the bride crying made my heart skip a beat. Love.
The first ceremony shot is just perfect. I love the framing. And then there's the sun flare shot and the silhouette shot. Me likes mucho macho :)
Oli Sansom
Just came across your work, very glad I did! Stunning stuff.
This is absolutely breathtaking - the light, the sunset, everything! I'm blown away!
Stefan - Photographer Luzern
Wow! It is really getting better and better by each wedding you shoot. It is great to be able to follow you and your style evolving. Thanks for sharing :)
Steve Koo
As always, great stuff Cole and Jakob. The silhouette with the tree near the bottom is lovely!
gabe aceves
you are my friggin heroes.
Damn. You guys rock.
Will Kim
so good, all the time!
Alyssa Schroeder
Especially love the ceremony shots. So emotional.
Travis Shumate
So lovely. Great work.
Moving Picture Weddings
Stunning photos, I love them all.
Ryan Brenizer
That first diptych is so simple and so stupidly beautiful. Love it.
The Nordica lads have done it again!
ed peers
So good...
I'm pretty sure you guys are my heroes.
Belinda Keller Photography
Lovely, just lovely. :)
Sonia Jansson
This is art. No more, nor less.
Excellent work.
Stunning work! Love the portrait with the sun burst.
By Cole & Jakob