Nordica Photography

2014 Update

March 15, 2014

Paris Wedding Photographer

The last time we wrote an update post, it was June of 2013 and much has happened since. So, hello again. Here’s the news.



Our first workshop was in November of 2011. Since then, our Get Real workshops have grown and we feel they’ve improved with each one. Experience has taught us that workshops die a quick death if they aren’t very good, so we’ll believe they’re improving at least.

In addition to the two-on-one workshops that we frequently do in Stockholm, we have done group workshops recently in Chile, Vancouver and New Zealand, with our next one planned for Stockholm together with our good friend Fer Juaristi. We have dabbled with the idea of one in Israel and St. Petersburg (email us if you’re interested in those), and we have irons in the fire for the fall with a tour of the US in mind.

We love the Get Real concept. It’s the workshop we wish we had taken in 2009 when we started.

Online Networks.

If you are an Instagram user, you may have noticed that Nordica now has an account. This is something we’re doing in an attempt to give us as individuals a bit more of a voice, as well as just share where we’re adventuring off to next. This year we have trips planned for Jamaica, the US, Iceland, Malta, Croatia, France, Italy, England, Scotland and other places for weddings, and while we’re there, we’ll keep you posted what we’re up to.

Another channel for following us is Google Plus. We use that quite differently than our Facebook page or Twitter account in that on our Plus page, we unload everything. Someone mentions Nordica online somewhere, Plus is where we’ll give the mention a hat-tip.


For years we have pondered with the idea of selling things, and now we feel that we’re ready. Within the next few weeks we will announce a new venture, one that will make selected prints available at limited amounts (such as the Paris picture in this post), we’ll sell books of our personal work as well as Nordica’s, and open up a bit more to non-wedding work. It’s an exciting venture, and we’re looking forward to challenging Nordica in a new way.

This venture will also include a new layer to our workshops, and that is two-on-one online mentoring sessions. This will combine online reports about your photography business – which we have been doing for the past few years – with an online conversation where we will discuss your business as well as ours. We have done these online discussions before and learned that when they are actually a conversation (as opposed to a one-way presentation of our work), they are far more valuable. So, those will be made available shortly (if you’re interested in this now, feel free to email us).


So that’s a bit about what’s going on with us. To finish the post, here are a few places Nordica has been mentioned online since we last touched based in June 2013.





By Cole & Jakob  

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  1. Michael Wachniak that all? :) Keep it up fellas! Rockin the shit outta things!

  2. luiz silva

    Challenges inspire us to live.

  3. Heber Araujo


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