Nordica Photography
Wedding Photographer Workshop // Stockholm
A few weeks ago, we hosted a workshop in London, England. Being our first “large” workshop, it was a somewhat daunting experience. But in the end, also very rewarding.
We’re very happy that the London workshop was so well received, but since nothing is perfect on the first try, we’re taking the London attendees’ feedback and making some adjustments to the Get Real concept.
For example, there is a lot of information to digest and a lot of different areas to cover, so we’ve decided to extend the workshops from one to two days. And we’re keeping the group size small, since that was very much appreciated in London.
So, with more experience under our belts and ideas for how to further improve our workshops, we’re ready roll.
The next Get Real Workshop will be in Stockholm, Sweden on May 22-23.
Seats are limited to 15 and the cost is 10.000 SEK (about 1150 euro). There will also be a meet and greet on the 21st, for anyone who wants to say hi before the workshop.
Seats have already been sold to those who signed up on the wait list, and the remaining are first-come, first serve.
The two days will be packed with information and discussion. We’ll be sharing the Nordica story, our approach to weddings, the importance of storytelling, SEO, blogging, setting goals for yourself, streamlining workflow and post-processing, marketing, communication, running an efficient business and more; basically everything we do. We hold nothing back.
In London, we had Ed Peers alongside us, sharing his inspiring story. We’re still finalizing the details for our guest speaker in Stockholm, and we’re looking forward to announcing that soon.
Workshop seats are available for purchase via the Buy Now icon.
Below are some photos from our time in London, as well as feedback from some of the participants.
What would you say to another photographer who was considering a workshop with Nordica based on your experience?
If you want to improve your brand, become more efficient in the way you work and get massively inspired, then this is the course for you… possibly the best money you will ever spend in terms of gaining such a crazy amount of knowledge and tips in such a short space of time from some cool guys. What a truly great day that was! I honestly can’t thank you enough.
What were the strongest and weakest areas of the workshop (What were we good at? Were there any disappointments?)?
I loved the personable nature of both of you which made me (and I think everyone else) feel at ease from the outset. I loved the fact you post processed the images from Craig and Kate’s (the models) shoot as part of the workshop and as an example of your workflow. I also really appreciated your transparency in sharing the things that have worked (are working) and using live examples for everything you talked about. I honestly didn’t find any part of the day boring or irrelevant.
What would you say to another photographer who was considering a workshop with Nordica based on your experience?
If you are looking to be inspired by great work and also practical ways in which you can take your own business forward, this is a fantastic workshop!
What are the three most valuable things that you took away from the workshop?
The process and sleek presentation I can create to a. make my life eaiser b. make a great impression at every point
Was there anything that surprised you about the workshop that you didn’t see coming when you signed up?
The amount you guys showed and shared.
What were the strongest and weakest areas of the workshop (What were we good at? Were there any disappointments?)?
THE part that I liked most, or rather, what was most interesting for me was the marketing and seo. There are no disappointments.
What were the strongest and weakest areas of the workshop (What were we good at? Were there any disappointments?)?
It was all great, no real weak areas, and the strongest area was your openness and honesty.
What would you say to another photographer who was considering a workshop with Nordica based on your experience?
Do it. And not just those who work in Wedding photography. These tips can be applied to other forms of photography.
Was there anything that surprised you about the workshop that you didn’t see coming when you signed up?
That i would be leaving happier, with a clear vision and a smile on my face.
taking over the world, one city at a time. go team nordica x
Craig + Kate Photography
Guys we love these pictures! Thanks for shooting us on the day we are so chuffed! :)
Denver Photographer
Awesome. Would love to attend the workshop!
Orlando wedding photographer
Come to Florida!!!
Rob Dodsworth
Nuts...I missed this! Stockholm's a bit out the way at the moment. Looks like a great workshop!
By Cole & Jakob